Post Archive

Letter to the Editor

Re: Article: ‘Exposing the ‘modern green religion’
Catherine Sullivan

Note that all references and links in this article were viewed on 23rd May, 2022 or 18th June, 2022.

I am writing to express my shock and unease at an article published on the website of the Catholic Archdiocese of Tasmanian describing a presentation from Professor Ian Plimer to the Christopher Dawson Centre.  I did not attend the presentation but trust that the article was an accurate summary of the presentation.

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The Australian Catholic Church, the Bishops, the Catholic Weekly and Russia and Ukraine

Dr Robert Tilley,

Catholic Institute of Sydney 

30 May 2022

I want to make it clear that though I work at the Catholic Institute of Sydney, the opinions expressed herein are mine and not, as far as I know, shared by the Institute or for that matter anyone else who works at the Institute. The opinions and arguments are mine and mine alone

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