12 August, 2021
Dear Reader,
We are a conservative group, that’s true. But that’s not a political statement. Being conservative has very little to do with the political left or the political right. We are not right-wingers: though some of our views might be characterized as right-wing we hold many opinions that would commonly be regarded as more typical of the left. There’s nothing odd about that: Pope St John Paul II was a social conservative, yet an outspoken critic of capitalism. We live in a time when many on the political left play the stock market and own rental properties. Ben Chifley and other old Labor men would turn in their graves! And many on the political right have abandoned all sympathy for tradition.
So let’s try to extricate conservatism from the left/right polarity and see it for what it really is: an attitude of mind that respects humanity but recognizes its limitations; that (like Pollyanna) thinks its bottle is half full rather than half empty; that cautiously believes in progress but not just change for change’s sake; and, most controversially, that regards truth as absolute and values it above fiction, even when the fiction is respectably dressed as myth.
Most conservatives believe that humans have a priority over all other creatures, that they are created in the very image of God. Conservatives believe that we have a duty to care for creation and husband the earth, to make it a better place. To that extent our thinking is green. We have never doubted that the climate changes, but usually question the validity of the King Canute approach. We don’t accept the exalted 19th century notion of a progress that makes Science its God and trusts it to lead us to an earthly salvation. But we do accept the shape of the Bible narrative that begins in a garden and ends in a city: we are moving towards greater complexities and should do so confidently, but without forgetting our debts to the past.
Perhaps most importantly of all, in the matter of managing our world, we see ourselves as custodians of both the future and the past. We have a debt of gratitude to those who have lived on this Earth before (some of whom died for our freedoms), but we also insist that those who are still to be born be entitled to know the whole truth about their predecessors and the good works that they did.
Conservatives believe that men and women are different but complementary, equally precious in the eyes of God.
Conservatives don’t believe that the fact of being born sufficiently defines a human being. For us infanticide is a terrible thing whether committed before or after birth.
Conservatives believe in the value of truth, that truth is something to be pursued strenuously and fearlessly, wherever it may lead. But they also believe that God is the Father of Lights, in whom is no variableness or shadow of turning, and that truth will make us free.
Conservatives believe that education should be for life. It’s not good enough to teach trades and skills and arts alone, important as they are, but the Whole Person should be cared for and prepared for fulfilment. Morality, clarity of thought, analytical skills, efficient communication should be the basis of all professional training.
In this dumbed down world conservative has become a dirty word; in its eyes we are perverse, stubborn and foolish.
But we have allies all around us, waiting in the wings to be recognized again. Here is Louis Pasteur:
Posterity will one day laugh at the foolishness of modern materialistic philosophers. The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.
Can this be true? Is resistance to the left establishment’s propaganda beginning in schools? This article by a recent (2020) school leaver simply made my day! It’s strongly worded and may offend some sensibilities, but it’s powerful stuff.
The Australian Census took place on 10 August. Gerard Henderson (not himself a believer) wonders why militant atheists have been so keen to have you tick the No Religion box.
According to this report an average of 17 Christians are murdered every day in Nigeria alone. Are we letting our masks cover our eyes and ears?
This article by lawyers John Finnis and Robert George tightly argues that the Roe v Wade decision was based on erroneous history.
If reliable, clean, green energy is what we want, here’s a solution. But it will be a hard one to sell.
With best wishes to all our readers,
David Daintree
10-14 January – Medieval and Ecclesiastical Latin – a one-week intensive reading course for people with some Latin, or a willingness to undertake some self-instruction or brush up beforehand. Guided readings of pieces from the Bible, Saints Ambrose, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, as well as poetry both sacred and secular, and good Latin narrative prose. This will be the Hobart Latin Summer School’s 30th year!
17-21 January – Western Civilisation – an Overview. This is a pilot venture. We shall cover five major areas: History (Greece, Rome, the emergence of the modern world), Literature (Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare), Philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, the Scholastics, ethical theories), Theology (the person of Christ, Scripture, Sacraments) and Art (painting, Sculpture, architecture, music). Lectures by Xavier Young, Dr David Moltow, David Daintree.
We have had several expressions of interest already so are certain to go ahead (failing another Covid eruption). We are still keen to find a locally-based person (or persons) who would like to offer some broad-ranging lectures on western painting, sculpture and architecture.
Write for further details about either of these short courses.