17 March, 2023
Dear Reader,
George Orwell wrote ‘if liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear’.
It is a fine thing, in a 21st century western democracy, to be reminded that writers and journalists once thought like that, and acted accordingly.
Now, by contrast, the privilege of communicating unwelcome ideas is increasingly being restricted within certain tight limits. You will find your liberties very much curtailed if you presume to cause offence by talking about such issues as the deliberate termination of human life in its earliest or latest stages, or the high achievements of Christian culture, or the harder teachings of the Church.
We are now engaged in an open and full-blown conflict between conservatives who want to retain the structures and mores of traditional Christian-based western civilization and radicals who would like to see almost all of that dismantled piece by piece.
This is not a simple political issue. There are conservatives in both wings of politics, right and left. Tragically, the Labor Party has virtually succumbed to radical doctrines of social engineering; but we can expect no better from the modern Liberal party which seems riddled with such ideas – from the top down.
I have never heard hate speech in a Christian assembly. But those who are Christian or who sympathize with the Christian culture are accused of it every time they make an utterance or express an opinion that their opponents disagree with. I know of many who have been on the receiving end of abuse for expressing views that are unfashionable or ‘inappropriate’ (such a mean, prim little word!). Almost everything I read in defence of the traditional values is carefully couched in courteous language designed to argue the case point by point. But the responses almost all contain ad hominem elements, sometimes cruel, sometimes angry, occasionally threatening.
Recognising that a majority of politicians on both sides, and the mainstream media (I think of them now as the Staatsmedia!), no longer support us, our best and indeed only recourse must be to constant courtesy combined with rational argument – provided we can get a hearing, and there’s the crunch. While it is rare for anybody who holds rusted-in liberal ideas about the eventual triumph of Science and Progress to succumb to persuasion, we may hope that by patient good manners, truthfulness and kindness we might sway those many who are open to reason and gentle persuasion.
Mercatornet recently posted an article of mine reflecting on, and trying to understand, the intensity of hatred that some in the secular world felt for the late Cardinal Pell – you can read it here.
With kind wishes,
Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute and an internationally recognized authority on China and population and development issues, as well as an acclaimed author and speaker.
Last Saturday 11 March he spoke on ‘the Present State of Christianity in China’. It saddens us that there was no take-up by the local mainstream media; only one Christian radio station sought an interview. The plight of persecuted Christians, Muslims or the Falun Gong is apparently of no interest to western Staatsmedia.
Watch the whole video here.
Catherine Sheehan, editor of the Tasmanian Catholic Standard, interviewed Steven Mosher. It’s a very comprehensive coverage of Mosher’s career and of the worsening situation for religious people in China today. Read it here.
Kevin Donnelly and others (Douglas Murray, Andrew Bolt, Ron DeSantis) feature in this report from Sky TV on ‘woke’ influences in education. The very mention of Sky is a turn-off for many, but there’s a story here that needs telling.
RICHARD DAWKINS doesn’t often feature in this newsletter, but his defence of western science in New Zealand is well worth reading here. We have our differences in the realm of metaphysics, but his sharp mind and dedication to objective truth are an adornment to the classical tradition.
This courteous speech at the Oxford Union by an Anglican Deacon, the Rev Calvin Robinson, states the orthodox Christian view. Short, firm but charitable. Much heckling of course.
We’re posting this report without further comment. It makes sad reading, on this St Patrick’s Day, for anyone who appreciates the ancient splendours of Christian Ireland.
This bill is currently before the Australian Senate. Submissions have been called invited from the public. The bill ‘clarifies that children born alive are persons; requires health practitioners to provide medical care, treatment and statistics on children born alive as a result of terminations; and provides that the mother of a child born alive is not liable to prosecution for an offence in respect of that child.’
One of our readers has responded as follows (reprinted here with permission):
‘These precious human babies born alive from a failed abortion are given a blanket but no human warmth. No shelter, just placed out of sight. No food, no milk or water. A cry from the baby is sometimes heard but no one comes to this baby’s distress. This baby receives no human love. Doctor’s orders?
‘I would be ashamed to be called an Australian if this Bill is not passed. Pagan Ancient civilisations left weak babies to die. We are a civilised country so we should do better. With this bill, we can become more civilised, more respectful, more loving, more humane.
‘And what about the mothers of these precious babies? Did anyone step forward to help them in their heart-wrenching decision to abort their baby? Did someone force them to make this decision? Were they offered an alternative way through emotional or financial help? They themselves may have needed food, shelter and clothing. Yes, the doctors offered them help to abort the baby; no care given but Medicare will pay the doctor. The mother is then left to deal with the emotional consequences. Will she receive kindness and empathy to help her deal with the loss of a precious baby? And abortion grief recovery counseling? A mother never forgets her baby.
‘I urge you to vote in favour of this Bill and protect these precious babies.’
Ever wonder where and how the current fad for gender transitioning arose? John Money, NZ psychologist and sexologist, played a major role. Interestingly we often find that social/cultural innovations are a long time in the fomenting: Money established the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic nearly 60 years ago, in 1965. Could anyone have foreseen where this would lead? Readers may be offended by our use of the term ‘fad’. In fairness we post here a rich source of information from The Lancet that approaches the issue more sympathetically.
More bad news from Victoria, as the momentum continues.
John Anderson, one time Deputy Prime Minister, interviews Prof Nicholas Aroney(Constitutional Lawyer, University of Queensland) on proposed changes to formalise an Aboriginal ‘Voice’. A referendum is expected later this year.
Seminar presented by Professor Augusto Zimmermann and Joshua Forrester, and the launch of their edited book Wokeshevism: Critical Theories and the Tyrant Left.
Tickets and further information here.
Launch of Prof James Franklin’s new book Catholic Thought and Catholic Action. Speaker Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, Senator for the Northern Territory. Book here.
Saturday 8 July – All Day
Wokery – a Wake-Up Call for the West!
On Saturday 8 July the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies will host its eighth annual colloquium in Hobart, Tasmania.
At this stage we have firmed up on two titles: Dr Kevin Donnelly (‘Looking Backward Leads us Forward: the True Nature of Conservatism’), and Prof Ramesh Thakur(‘Wokism risks the descent of the West into nihilism’). We also have offers of papers from John Roskam, Karina Haner, Dr Gerard Gaskin, and Robert Stove.
We invite submissions from persons interested in addressing the topic. Speakers should not only identify and evaluate threats to the Christian culture which is our common heritage, but propose practical solutions.
Total time allocation for each paper will be 45 minutes, which should include time for questions and discussion (the proportion at each presenter’s discretion). Proceedings will be recorded and posted on the internet, and published late in 2022 or early 2023.
Proposals should be sent to Dr David Daintree, Director, Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies director@dawsoncentre.org, 0408 87 9494.
Wednesday 13 September – 6.00 pm
Dr Ralph Martin is President of Renewal Ministries and Director of Graduate Theology Programs in Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Archdiocese of Detroit, USA. He holds a doctorate in theology from the Angelicum University in Rome.
Topic: Living as Catholics in Challenging Times
(Location to be advised)