Sixth Annual Christopher Dawson Centre Colloquium, 25-26 June, 2021

Passing on the Faith: the Challenge for Parents and Schools

On Friday and Saturday 25-26 June 2021 the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies will host its sixth annual colloquium in Hobart, Tasmania.   The Dawson Colloquium is a conversation, not a multi-stream conference.  There are no keynote speeches, as all are considered important to the flow of ideas; speakers are encouraged to attend all papers.


The Christian Church is in decline in Western countries, especially and most tragically among the young.  An exclusively material view of the world has almost totally submerged the natural spirituality of those whom God made for himself, whose hearts are ever restless until and unless they rest in Him.  How can Parents, the primary educators of children, work effectively with schools to make Christ real for their children?

We invite submissions from persons interested in addressing any aspect of modern education.  Some of the following questions might be considered:

  • Can Faith-based schools survive anti-discrimination laws?

  • Is mere ‘spirituality’ enough? Can Faith survive apart from the Church?

  • Why do young people lose their Faith? How can that be reversed?

  • What has been the impact of gender ideology on young people?

  • The Benedict Option: is home-schooling a sound solution?

  • How is it that people can be naively superstitious (horoscopes, charms, crystals etc) yet sceptical about creedal beliefs?

  • How effective are chaplaincies in state schools?

While the focus of this year’s colloquium is on secondary education, insights of those working in the primary and tertiary sectors are considered essential.  Total allocation for each presenter will be 45 minutes.  Papers should be in the range 3,000 to 5,000 words to allow time for questions and discussion.  Proceedings will be recorded, posted on the internet, and published.

Proposals should be sent to Dr David Daintree, Director, Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies, 0408 87 9494.