5 MAY 2022. Dear Reader, Our Dawson Centre newsletter has always been free and always will be. We keep requests for financial aid to a minimum, but we are nevertheless heavily dependent on the generosity of our supporters. Would you please consider becoming a Friend of Christopher Dawson? The cost is just $100. In recognition of this special form of assistance we can offer you a handsome lapel badge (pictured below), discounts on future purchases, as well as our gratitude and our prayers. Do please contact me directly if you would like to become a Friend, but whether or not you choose to do so be assured that we shall continue to do our best to maintain and advance the good name of Western Civilisation! Yours sincerely, David Daintree |
Christopher Dawson Centre Lapel Pin |
PROF IAN PLIMER SPEAKS IN HOBART ‘Green Murder: how green energy policies destroy the environment, employment and people’ On 21 April Geologist Professor Ian Plimer spoke on the topic of man-made climate change. Click on this link to watch the entire talk. IS POLITICAL CORRECTNESS LOSING ITS MOJO? Occasionally we come across encouraging news! Read about it here. AFRICAN SLAVERY This powerful piece is by Dr David van Gend, who will also speak at our colloquium in July. CONFESSIONS OF A DINOSAUR I recently gave a talk online to a CIRCE conference in support of classical education. You can watch it here. COLLOQUIUM 2022 The 2022 Colloquium will take place on Saturday 16 July. The registration fee is $100 (concession $75). REGISTER HERE FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION: THE ESSENCE OF WESTERN CIVILISATION The following speakers have been confirmed to date: Dr David Collits Dr Kenneth Crowther Dr Kevin Donnelly Dr David van Gend Archbishop Julian Porteous CALL FOR PAPERS Submissions from persons interested in addressing the topic are still accepted. Speakers should not only identify and evaluate challenges to freedom of speech and religion but propose practical solutions. Total time allocation for each paper will be 45 minutes, which should include time for questions and discussion (the proportion at each presenter’s discretion). Proceedings will be recorded and posted on the internet, and published late in 2022 or early 2023. Proposals should be sent to Dr David Daintree, Director, Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies director@dawsoncentre.org, 0408 87 9494. |